Accept Digital Payments by Sharing Customized Invoices


Powerful Invoice Payment is Waiting for You

Improved Cash Flow

Invoicing allows businesses to set payment terms and request payment from customers within a specified timeframe.

Professional Image

Invoicing adds a professional touch to your business interactions. It provides a clear and structured record of the transaction, including itemized details, terms, and payment instructions.

Customization & Branding

WaveXpay provides businesses with the opportunity to customize their invoices with their branding elements such as logos, colors, and fonts.

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Create Your Brand Invoice

Feel free to customize Invoice Payment template with your specific branding elements, including your company logo, colors, and contact information. And make your brand look professional.

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Why WaveXpay Invoice Payment?

Easily Create
Bulk Payment
Quick Transfer
Brand Optimization
24*7 Support

Get Onboarded and Start Accepting Payment

Seamless Onboarding
Track Payments
Issue Refunds
Detailed Insights
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We Have Answers

What is Invoice Payment?
What is Invoice Payment?

Invoice Payment is a financial transaction in which a customer pays a business or vendor for goods or services rendered as indicated on an Invoice.

What are the Benefits of Invoice Payments?
What are the Benefits of Invoice Payments?

Invoice payments offer several benefits, including:

  • 1. Improved cash flow management for businesses
  • 2. Increased transparency and accountability
  • 3. Flexibility for customers
  • 4. Enhanced professionalism and branding opportunities
How long do customers typically have to pay an Invoice?
How long do customers typically have to pay an Invoice?

The payment terms specified on the Invoice determine the timeframe within which customers are expected to pay. Common payment terms include "Net 30" (payment due within 30 days), "Net 60" (payment due within 60 days), or "Due upon receipt" (payment due immediately upon receipt of the invoice).

Can Invoice Payments be made online?
Can Invoice Payments be made online?

Yes, Invoice Payments can be made online using various payment methods. WaveXpay often provide online payment options, such as credit card payments or electronic fund transfers, through secure payment gateways.

What happens if Invoice Payment is late?
What happens if invoice Payment is late?

If Invoice Payment is late, it may result in penalties or interest charges, depending on the payment terms agreed upon. The business may follow up with the customer to remind them of the outstanding payment and inquire about the reason for the delay.

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